Ken Bushe – artist research – Landscape Painting Artist


I chose to research Ken Bushe in relation to my project ‘place’ as he holds a particular interest in painting the sky; ‘Ive always reacted strongly to the landscape of the sky and if i could live in it, i would, painting clouds and sky are as close as i can get’.
Ken Bushe is a massive influence on my current project, i aim to be able to capture the sky scape in the way that Bushe is able to. The colours, tone and style of paint all compliment each other perfectly and create something visually appealing to the eye. JMW Turner was somebody that influenced Bushe; ‘Turner has given me more insight into colour and light than any other artist and without trying to copy his work, i hope this painting (Discovery Dawn) acknowledges Turner and his vision.
All these paintings take the sky or clouds as their main subject. Scottish skies are well known for the extreme range of colour and light which can be observed on a daily basis. The significance of this moving cloud landscape on our daily lives and emotions cant be overestimated, and when we now spend much more of our time inside it is important to not shut it out of our lives to our detriment, as though these things don’t matter.
sunset painting (A celebration of the colour and light at sunset) Painting sunset and sunrise confronts an artist with the widest range of colour, tone and light of any subject in the natural world. The symbolism associated with light, colour and the sun itself run through every core belief of our species and make the act of painting these subjects much more than a technical exercise.

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