The relationship between form and colour 

The existence of some intrinsic relationship between specific forms and specific colours has been a reccurent dream among philosophers and artists. Adolf Hoelzel held the belief that red had a circularity about it, blue had a rectangularity about it and yellow a traingularity. So if shapes are supposed to be a certain colour what happens when the shapes are different to their original colour? what if we ignored ‘The traingularity of yellow’ and created a series of traingles made with different colours? 

As a traingles supposed colour is yellow which is a part of the warm family of colours I thought that I would take colours from the cool family to create a series of traingles with. I think that the traingles create a sense of relaxation as aposed to the feelings a series of yellow traingles would create. I think that this painting is affective and it makes you question the painting, it also has a sort of tranquility about it caused by the use of cool colours. 

The pyschology of colour 

After some initial experimentation into my project (the relationship between art and the mind) I took a look back through all the work I had created thus far and picked out my favourite parts. Whilst revisiting this old work I realised that what stuck out to me the most was that in my attempts to draw my emotions colour had been a huge part of the representation of my feelings through art, so i decided to furthermore do some research into the psychology of colour.. 

Colour is a form of non-verbal communication. It is a non static energy and its meaning can change from one day to the next with any individual – it all depends on what energy they are expressing at that point in  time. 

‘In artwork, neutrals are used when the artist wants to emphasize structure or form over a reponse to colour’ 

I think that colour plays an important part in the pyschology of art and is a massive factor of my project; as what would art be without colour? would it hold as much emotion? or any emtion at all? To me personally I believe that colour is the main aspect of conveying emotion through art.